Data-Sharing Consent Customization (District to Vendor)

Audience: ✅District Admin      ✖️Vendor Admin

The “Request Changes” functionality helps districts manage and customize the data attributes that are available to each of their connected roster applications in the School Passport Portal.


To customize the data sharing with the Vendor (Export) App, follow the instruction below:

  1. Log in to your School Passport  profile, and navigate to Connect (Data-Sync) module;
  2. In the Home section, click on the Vendor (Export) App icon and click on the blue REQUEST CHANGES button:

  3. The “Data Access Consent” screen will appear. There are five sections to edit:
    - Schools (check/uncheck the checkboxes for specific schools or to all schools, data of which you would like to share or not share with Ed-Tech Vendor)


    - PII Shield (Enable/disable PII Shid by dragging the slide)

     - Attributes (check/uncheck the checkboxes for attributes of separate entities you would like to share or not share with Ed-Tech Vendor )

    - Filters (Set up a Filter Rule if needed)

     - Attachments (You can attach any document or file in pdf, doc, docx, png, or jpg format you would like to share with the Ed-Tech Vendor)

  4. Once all changes are made, click on the REQUEST CHANGES button;  
  5. You will get a notification after Ed-Tech Vendor approves your request.