
Selecting Reports opens the Reports screen. This screen appears blank when it is either first loaded or refreshed by switching to a different screen and then back again. The Reports screen allows you to view various charts, related to users and how they are accessing Resources within SSO Passport.
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Login to the Passport Statistics

This chart displays how many times the selected user logged into SSO Passport over a specified date range. When this option is selected, specify the following parameters:

  • User: Select the user to view, using the pull-down menu.
  • Set the desired starting and ending dates by either entering those dates in the Start of Period and End of Period fields in mm/dd/yyyy format or by using the calendar icon.

Clicking UPDATE loads a chart that shows the total number of times the selected user logged into SSO Passport over the selected date range.

SSO Statistics - Hits

This chart displays how many times the selected Resource(s) were clicked within the selected Organization(s) and Role(s) during a specified date range. When this option is selected, specify the following parameters:

  • Organization: Select the Organization(s) to include by clicking the Select dropdown to expand this menu and then by checking the Organization(s) to include in this chart.
  • Applications: Select the Resource(s) to include by clicking the Select dropdown to expand this menu and then by checking the Resource(s) to include in this chart.
  • Roles: Select the Role(s) to include by clicking the Select dropdown to expand this menu and then by checking the Role(s) to include in this chart.
  • Set the desired starting and ending dates by either entering those dates in the Start of Period and End of Period fields in mm/dd/yyyy format or by using the calendar icon.

Clicking UPDATE loads a chart that shows the total number of unique hits that the selected Resource(s) were used within the specified Organization(s) during the specified period of time.

SSO Statistics - Unique Users

This chart displays how many unique users within a selected Organization and Role accessed the applications (Resources) over a specified date range. When this option is selected, specify the following parameters:

  • Organization: Select the Organization to include, using this pull-down menu.
  • Role: Select the Role to include, using this pull-down menu.

Clicking UPDATE loads a chart that shows the total number of unique users with the specified Role who have accessed each of the Resources available to the specified Organization.

SSO Statistics by User

This chart displays how many times the selected user accessed one or more selected Resource(s) during a specified date range. When this option is selected, specify the following parameters:

  • Organization: Select the Organization to include, using this pull-down menu.
  • User: Select the user for which you run to run the chart, using this pull-down menu. The list of users available for selection will depend on the selected Organization.
  • Applications: Select the Resource(s) to include by clicking the Select dropdown to expand this menu and then by checking the Resource(s) to include in this chart.
  • Set the desired starting and ending dates by either entering those dates in the Start of Period and End of Period fields in mm/dd/yyyy format or by using the calendar icon.

Clicking UPDATE loads a chart that shows the total number of times that the selected user accessed the specified Resource(s) during the specified time period.

Statistic of usage by product

This chart displays how many times the selected Resource(s) has/have been accessed from the selected Organization(s). When this option is selected, specify the following parameters:

  • Organizations: Select the Organization(s) to include by clicking the Select dropdown to expand this menu and then by checking the Organization(s) to include in this chart.
  • Applications: Select the Resource(s) to include by clicking the Select dropdown to expand this menu and then by checking the Resource(s) to include in this chart.

Clicking UPDATE loads a chart that shows the total number of times the selected Resource(s) was/were accessed from the specified Organization(s).