Setting up Data Preview Mode & Safety Threshold

Data Preview Mode

As the District Administrator, the user is able to turn on/off Preview Mode in the Advanced Settings section of the Delivery Config tab of Application Settings (only for District Application). This mode, once enabled, requires the review of each data sync by the District Admin. 

If Data Preview Mode is enabled, Application thresholds will be disabled.


The Preview Mode status will be available at the data source icon:


Also at the District App:


When the Data Preview Mode is enabled, every data sync needs to be accepted or declined by the District Admin after the data sync. The new data set will not be applied until the District Admin accepts the sync results. District Admin can ACCEPT/DECLINE the Sync in the History tab of the Application view.


District Admin is able to browse the new data set in the Browse Data and Duplicates (without the ability to resolve duplicate issues).

Once the data changes are applied, the status is changed to Data Sync was accepted status:


The data changes stats could be tracked in Show ChangesOnce clicked, the following window will be opened.


The Significant Changes Summary view shows the number of records changed grouped by entity type.



In case when the new data set is declined, the correspondent sync history item will be visible in the History timeline. The tracking of acceptances and declinatures of the new data set is also traceable in the History tab timeline.

Note: In Data Preview mode the changes are approved/declined only by the District Administrator.

Notifications when Data Preview Mode is enabled

District/Vendor notifications can be set in the Default Email notifications tab or in the My Profile-> Email Notifications tab in the respective District/Vendor Administration menu: 


Safety Threshold View Mode

The Safety Threshold prevents significant changes of data (deletion/update) on sync exceeding the set limits without prior authorization by a District Administrator, a Vendor, or by a Service Operator (in case of a system threshold exceeding the 90% mark - a System Threshold).

Management of District Application threshold values

District Admin can setup Sync hold threshold for data update and deletion (percent value) in the Advanced Settings section of the Delivery Config tab of Application Settings:


By default, all threshold values will be set to 0, which means it's disabled.

Management of Vendor/District Application threshold values

  1. The vendor can set up default threshold values for update and deletion in the Delivery Config tab of Application Settings:
    The Sync hold threshold settings, once saved and published, will be defaulted to all new District Applications’ data.
  2. District Admin / Vendor Admin is able to see threshold reports/values at the Data Quality tab of the Application view.
  3. Vendor Admin is able to edit threshold values on the Delivery Config tab of the Application integration settings.

System threshold

There will be a default 90% system threshold for all the applications, once any threshold is activated.

When the Application threshold is reached

The system will send Email notifications to District Administrators and Vendors when the respective safety thresholds are reached.

Approved / Declined changes

There is an indicator in the Data Sync History, so users can easily identify sync history items with exceeded thresholds.

  1. District Application. District Admin is able to view the list of decisions made for every Application by every Sync History Item with exceeded thresholds.
  2. Vendor Application. Vendor Admin is able to view the list of decisions made when Application thresholds were exceeded (if the Thresholds are set in the Application Settings).


Threshold check

  1. The system will check changes by entity type during the sync and data sharing. If any application threshold is reached, the changes will not be applied.
  2. The system checks the threshold by a count of each entity type (not by the count of all entities).
  3. The system checks thresholds of Vendor applications as well as the District threshold in the data import phase.
  4. The system checks the Vendor application threshold on any data sharing process (including filter changes and data requirements changes).
  5. With the Application safety threshold in place, the system calculates changes in the context of data, shared with the Vendor’s application.
  6. A total number of entities, for percentage calculation, includes the number of entities in the system and processed entities on sync session.
  7. The “updated threshold” includes “new”, and “updated” types of changes.
  8. Incoming entities with the to be deleted status value will not be counted.
  9. The initial sync will not be counted as a significant change.

When the safety threshold is reached

  1. Application status will be changed to Changes Pending Approval if the application threshold is reached. The Vendor app will be thrown a Data Verification status (a respective district in the district list) if the threshold was reached for another Vendor Application.
  2. Only Application Admins whose application thresholds were reached are able to Accept / Decline sync. Any of the Application Admins (Vendor Admins) can decline the sync. The new data set will be applied only after all the Application admins accepted sync results.
  3. When the system threshold is reached (90% and more), Service Operator should accept the changes, alongside the District Admin and Vendor Admin in their respective dashboards.
  4. All Vendor applications will have access to the "old" data set until the suspended sync will be accepted by all stakeholders (District Admin, Vendor Admin (and Service Operator in case of a System Threshold reach).
  5. Data Quality will be updated from the new data set.
  6. Application status would be set to Aborted if sync was declined.
  7. When the threshold is reached - an email notification is sent.
  8. Email Notification will be sent when any Application Admin declines sync (to District Admin and Vendor Admin).
  9. Email Notification will be sent when the latest Application Admin accepted sync results and the new data set was applied.
  10. If Application Admin accepts/declines the sync, a respective log is generated (username, date, etc).

When the safety threshold is reached in the data sharing process

  1. Vendor Application status will be changed to Changes Pending Approval if the application threshold is reached.
  2. Vendor Application Admins will be able to Accept / Decline data sharing.
  3. All Vendor applications will have access to the "old" data set until the violated sync will be accepted by all stakeholders.
  4. When the Vendor admin declines the change, the status will be changed to Aborted.
  5. When the threshold is reached - a notification is sent.

Known issues

  1. Duplicate issues can't be resolved (read-only state) when Significant Change is detected until it will be approved or declined.
  2. The system will not validate the safety threshold for deleting a school.