December, 2023 Release Notes


Troubleshooting capabilities improvement

Audience: All

GG4L now expands the tracking capability of user activity in School Passport, which allows efficiently resolving issues and gaining a comprehensive understanding of user behavior.

Grades Passback to Skyward SIS

Audience: All

Skyward SIS now supports mapping metadata extra attributes, including Gradebook data, when exporting through Metadata Extension. This feature requires Skyward Native API or OneRoster 1.1 API, and 2-way sync mode. This enables the inclusion of additional attributes not only during import but also seamlessly during export.


PowerSchool Prior Data Consumption (PDC) 

Audience: District Admin

PowerSchool data source now supports access to upcoming academic calendar data before it begins. This functionality is useful if you would like to work with PowerSchool data before the calendar's first date. To access this feature, please reach out to 

Light mode for Multiple LMS Shells

Audience: District Admin 

Multiple LMS Shells now support optimized grade processing during export. When this feature is enabled, grade export stops after receiving the first successful response (status code 200). This feature requires the Line Item URLs in Line Item metadata. This allows you to reduce the number of requests, enhancing overall system performance.


Audit Data improvement

Audience: District Admin

GG4L implements an upgrade to trim extra spaces for email and first/last name values in the Audit Data log. This improves user experience by ensuring accurate text display, reducing errors, and expediting data processing.