How can I establish a connection with Infinite Campus API 1.2 Data Source?

Product: SP Connect (Data-Sync) Module

Privileges: Primary Admin privileges

Please note, when you migrate from 1.1 to 1.2 all the users will have new SIS IDs and thus will be recreated within the Connect system. As the SIS ID is new, the users have new GG4L IDs. Ensure to inform the Ed-Tech vendor about these changes and ask them to perform a full re-sync of the data

To establish a connection with Infinite Campus API 1.2, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to your School Passport  profile, and navigate to Connect (Data-Sync) module;
  2. In the Home section, click on the Infinite Campus SIS icon (or find the corresponding app in the Application Gallery);
  3. In the top right corner of the screen, hit the Settings (gear) icon;
  4. Click on the Delivery Config tab. The API 1.2 requires the following creds:
    -  Service URL;
    -  OAuth credentials (Client ID & Client Secret);
    -  Authentication URL.

    Note:  "..../rostering/v1p2" appendix should be added to the end of the Service URL during the data source configuration to activate the Authentication URL field. 


  5. After entering the Service URL and Client ID & Client Secret into Delivery Config, the Authentication URL field is to appear as in the screenshot above.
  6. In the Authentication URL field insert Token URL and click the TEST CONNECTION button below.
  7. If the notification "Connection is OK" appears, click the SAVE button at the bottom right corner and move forward to the next steps of configuration.