How can I fix errors after data sync (SFTP)?

Product: SP Connect (Data-Sync) Module

Privileges: Primary Admin privileges


To see and fix the errors after SFTP data sync, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to your School Passport  profile, and navigate to Connect (Data-Sync) module;
  2. In the Home section, click on the SFTP icon and choose the History tab;
  3. To see details, click on the SHOW ERRORS button;
  4. Details screen will appear. On the details screen, you can see GG4L ID, File Name, Error type, and Error Message.
  5. Read the details of the errors, and see what data format is required by the data standard specification.
  6. Make corresponding changes in your CSV files and upload corrected data on the SFTP server;
  7. Force data sync by clicking the green RUN SYNC button on the SFTP App dashboard.