School Passport SSO integration flow

Global Grid for Learning (GG4L) is a public benefit corporation with a mission to help promote the use of technology in the K-12 education environment. We do so by forming a membership-based alliance of application software providers and schools or school districts.


School Passport single sign-on (SSO) allows users to securely authenticate into connected applications via School Passport Portal. Adding and configuring SSO Apps on your Portal is done through the School Passport AppStore module. Users log into School Passport just once with one set of credentials and then click on the various app icons to be logged in automatically via SSO. 


With School Passport SSO, end-users time and efforts get minimized as they don't need to constantly sign in and out separately into a variety of web, on-premises, and cloud applications. Using School Passport as the main educational environment improves productivity and security, reducing the risk of lost, weak, or forgotten passwords. 


Setting up of School Passport AppStore (SSO) consists of the following steps:

  1. Filling out an online form;
  2. Signing of Data Privacy Agreement;
  3. Roster data integration (gathering data from SIS);
  4. Configuring the connection with School’s/District’s IdP;
  5. Adding and configuring requested SSO Apps;
  6. Training and School Passport (AppStore) acceptance.

Please complete this form to get started.