Learn how to create a data-sharing request to securely share school data with Ed-Tech vendors.
In this article
District Admins can initiate data-sharing requests with Ed-Tech vendors to control the data sent to applications. Your request can include multiple parameters determining the data School Passport will send to the application you are working with. Please note that data-sharing requests can also be initiated by Ed-Tech Vendors and sent to districts/schools. As a District Admin, you should review it and approve it where necessary.
By providing access to school data, you also provide access to all data in GG4L School Passport that is associated with the district office (for example, Teachers and Students data that is associated with the district office rather than with a particular school in a district).
- Primary District Admin permissions required to create data-sharing requests.
Create a request for a new application
When activating the Export SSO application, you should send a data-sharing request instead of the usual application activation. This includes selecting schools, enabling Privacy Shield, defining attributes, etc.
To create a request for a new application:
- Go to the Connect > Application Gallery, and select the application for which you want to modify shared data.
- Click Activate. Data Access Consent will show.
- In the Data Access Consent, provide request details:
- In the Schools, choose the schools from which you want to share roster data.
- (Optional) In the Privacy Shield, turn on the toggle to protect PII data. If an application does not support Privacy Shield, leave it turned off.
- (Optional) In the Attributes, uncheck attributes you do not want to share.
- (Optional) In the Filter Rules, add filters.
- In the Expiration Time, specify the duration for which your data will be available for the application.
- Accept the Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy.
- Click Activate.
- Review the Consent Summary and click Send Request.
Create a change request for an existing application
If you need to make modifications to an existing application's data-sharing settings, you can create a change request. This allows you to update the schools from which data is shared, adjust privacy settings, define specific attributes to include or exclude, etc.
To create a change request for an existing application:
- From the Home page, select an application you want to change shared data.
- On the overview tab, click Request Changes.
- In the Data Access Consent, provide request details:
- (Optional) In the Schools, choose the schools from which you want to share roster data.
- (Optional) In the Privacy Shield, turn on the toggle to protect PII data. If an application does not support Privacy Shield, leave it turned off.
- (Optional) In the Attributes, uncheck attributes you do not want to share.
- (Optional) In the Filter Rules, add filters.
- Click Request Changes.
- Review the Consent Summary and click Send Request.
Once the Ed-Tech Vendor approves your request, and if email settings are enabled, you and other District Admins will receive email notifications.