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D2L - Qwiklabs Integration over LTI

Google Certificate course can be integrated into D2L using LTI 1.3 technology. Once a Google Certificate course(s) is enabled in the D2L environment, following the instructions in this article, users will be able to perform Single Sign-On (SSO) to Google Certificate course(s) right from the D2L learning management system (LMS) and learning results will be synced from Qwiklabs to D2L.

Article content:

General Integration Overview Video

LTI Setup Instructions

General Integration Overview Video

You can learn more about the grade sync options in the following article: Grades sync to LMS from Qwiklabs

LTI Setup Instructions

The integration setup steps are the following:

  1. Create Qwiklabs as LTI tool;
  2. Register a new LTI Advantage Link;

  3. Publish Google Certificate courses in your LMS;
  4. Access Google Certificate courses from D2L;
  5. Syncing learning results from Qwiklabs to D2L;

The detailed instructions are given below.

Configuring Google Certificate Course as an LTI tool

Creating Qwiklabs as LTI tool

  1. Login to the D2L website as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Settings Cog > Manage Extensibility > LTI Advantage > Register Tool.
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 09.49 1Scroll down to find “Manage Extensibility” and click on it:
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 09.53 1
    You should see the following window:
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 09.55 1
    Click on the REGISTER TOOL button and choose the Standard option:
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 09.57 1
  3. Fill in the “Register a Tool” form with the data below and click REGISTER:

    Name: Qwiklabs
    Description: whatever you prefer 
    Redirects URLs: 

    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 10.18 1
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 10.19 1

    OpenId Connect Login URL: https://qwiklabs.gg4l.com/lti/tools/login_initiations
    Target Link URL: leave blank
    Keyset URL: https://qwiklabs.gg4l.com/ims/lti/.well-known/jwks.json

    Extensions: *option enables after Keyset URL is entered
    - Assignment and Grade Services
    - Deep Linking
    - Names and Role Provisioning Services
    Send Institution Role: Yes
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 10.21 1
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 18.47 1

  4. Click the REGISTER button.
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 10.24 1
  5. After that you will see the window with Brightspace Registration Details:
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 10.26 1

Note: Please copy and save all the details. You will later need to provide it to the GG4L Customer Support Agent.

Deployment Registration

  1. Click on the View Deployments link in the pop-up message.
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 10.58 1
  2. You will be redirected to the following page. Click on the NEW DEPLOYMENT button:
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 10.59 1
  3. Start filling in the necessary fields with the following information:

    Mark “Enable”;
    Tool: select the previously created tool;
    Name: Qwiklabs;
    Enable Extensions:
    - Deep Linking
    - Assignment and Grades Services
    - Names and Role Provisioning Services
    Enable Security Settings:
    - Org Unit Information
    - User Information
    - Link Information
    Enable “Open as External Resource”
    Make tool available to
     Add Org Units -> *pick all course shells that will use Qwiklabs content* 
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 11.00 1
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 11.01 1
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 11.01 2
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 11.02 1
  5. Please copy this “Deployment id’ value and paste it into the information needed to share with GG4L Customer Support.
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 11.02 2

Note: Once the tool is successfully deployed, please share the following information with GG4L Customer Support

Authentication request URL (OpenID Connect Authentication Endpoint)

Public keyset URL (Brightspace Keyset URL)

Access token URL (Brightspace OAuth2 Access Token URL);

Client ID


Deployment ID

After you receive a confirmation from the GG4L Support side that everything is received and set up, please proceed with the next instructions.

Registering a new LTI Advantage Link

Once you successfully create a tool, you need to create the LTI link.

  1. Click on the View Links to register a new LTI Advantage Link.
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 12.36 1
  2. You will be redirected to the following page. Click on the NEW LINK button:
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 12.37 1
  3. Fill in the Create Link form and click SAVE AND CLOSE.

    Mark “Enable”;
    Name: Qwiklabs;
    URL: https://api.gg4l.com/datahub/services/ims/lti/v1p3/deep_link
    Description: whatever you prefer (*optional)
    : Deep link Quicklink

    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 12.40 1

Publishing Google Certificate courses in your LMS

This section describes publishing Google Certificate сourse(s) into D2L course(s).

  1. Choose the needed course shell. For this, go to the Content tab and enter the name of the module in the "Add a module" field. Then hit ENTER.
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 12.44 1
  2. Click on the EXISTING ACTIVITIES button and add “Activity” to the module. Choose the “Qwiklabs” deployment option that was created before.
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 12.44 2
    Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 12.44 3
  3. In the modal window choose the respective course (scroll down or use the search bar on the top of this window and pick the Qwiklabs course). Then hit the SUBMIT button.
  4. After the content was successfully added, click on the drop-down arrow next to the content and select EDIT PROPERTIES IN-PLACE:
  5. Enable the checkbox “Open as External Resource”. That’s required for further SSO.
  6. Repeat the steps to add the rest of the available Google Certificate courses.

Accessing Google Certificate Course from Desire2Learn

To access the Google Certificate course an LMS learner would navigate to a “Content" section of the LMS course and click on the hyperlink that is associated with the corresponding Google Certificate course (to launch SSO click on the OPEN IN NEW WINDOW button).

Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 19.20 1

Syncing learning results from Qwiklabs to D2L

To examine the learning results from Qwiklabs for learners, who are enrolled in the D2L course, the LMS Instructor needs to use the Grades tab of the respective LMS course.

Grades are shown in D2L when a learner completes the respective Google Certificate course in Qwiklabs.